Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Child Trafficking Essays - Human Rights Abuses, Sex Crimes

Child Trafficking What is child trafficking? Child trafficking is a crime involving the movement of children for the purpose of their exploitation. It is considered child trafficking if the victim is under the age of 18, otherwise it is called human trafficking, which is also illegal. The purpose of child trafficking is for exploitation, which includes exploiting the prostitution of others, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery or similar practices and the removal of organs. Children are also used in drug trades in all regions of the world. Children are often trafficked into exploitation as either drug couriers or drug dealers, and then they were paid in drugs, so that they become addicted and further entrapped. Due to the nature of drug trafficking, children who are apprehended are often treated as criminals, when in reality they are often the ones in need of legal assistance. There are many reasons why the victims dont run away. They dont run away because their traffickers control them. For example through debt bondage, a victim is told that he or she owes the trafficker money used for transportation, food and accommodation. The debt never decreases and the victim remains trapped by the trafficker. Other forms of control include taking and keeping a victims identity or travel documents, use as threats to harm the victims family, locking up the victim, and forced drug use. The victims are completely controlled and often too afraid to try to escape. Child trafficking has many effects. Usually the victims dont even have basic control over their daily decisions such as when to sleep, eat, or rest. Their lives are controlled by their traffickers who constantly abuse, torture, rape, forced drug use, forced abortions, and physiological manipulation, The experience is traumatic and damages the physical, mental, and social well being of a person. The traffickers usually aim for vulnerable people, even though anyone can be trafficked. Factors that cause vulnerability include lack of economic opportunities, poverty, unemployment, and domestic violence. There are a few facts about child trafficking. An enslaved child may be raped between five and ten times per night. The transaction may be for as little as $5 each night. However, the first time a child is sold, the price may rise as high as $200. On average, two children are sold every minute. Approximately 75-80% of child trafficking is for sex. The Indonesian government has done several efforts to stop this issue, but it seems like it didnt work well. The government did not demonstrate vigorous efforts to investigate and criminally punish law enforcement officials involved in human trafficking. We can help prevent child trafficking by distributing information to children and their parents about the abuse on children who are trafficked and the risk that children who migrate or are sent away from home to work or earn money for others will be trafficked. Other ways is that we can volunteer to do victim outreach or offer services to a local anti-trafficking organization.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Leisure Time Activities Essays

Leisure Time Activities Essays Leisure Time Activities Essay Leisure Time Activities Essay Leisure time activities Leisure time activities are Acting Archery Astronomy Bell ringing Betting Bicycling Bird watching Bowling Canoeing car maintenance CB radio Chess Cinema Crosswords Dancing Darts do it yourself Driving Eating out Fishing Football Gardening gliding hang gliding hare coursing health spas horse riding hunting ice skating jogging Knitting motor racing mountain climbing etc How to avoid doing negative work in leisure time Some people misuse their leisure. They would either pass it in sleeping,  playing cards, idle gossip, listening to the radio, or at the most in visiting the  pictures. They are all passive activities-activities in which they do nothing and which do not at all require any use of their brains. Therefore, such people feel bored and instead of wishing for more of leisure, wish for less of it. To avoid this they should do something creative which makes them active. Use of leisure activities The spending of leisure rightly is an art, and a difficult art. It must be spent in activities which require some, â€Å"doing, some acting, some use of the brain. The correct way of passing leisure is to acquire culture, to make and contemplate beautiful things. During  holidays, one may go out on picnics, as is done in the west, and thus get an opportunity of enjoying the beauty and freshness of nature. Picnics are  health  giving and provide the much needed change so essential for  health  and well-being. They refresh the mind and make it forget for the time being the prosaic cares and worries of this sorry life of ours. They provide the much needed touch of poetry in ones life. They increase efficiency and send back a man to his work with greater enthusiasm and  energy. Advantages of leisure activities: Relief from stress and boredom. It can help promote not only better emotional health but physical health as well. A feeling of control. Job or school demands might not give us that freedom. Enhanced communication skills and self-esteem. Shy or introverted people can benefit from group activities that are based on shared interests. Wider horizons. You can meet new people, learn new things and gain valuable perspective. A positive teaching model for children, who often learn better by example than by words alone. Your own behavior in group or family activities helps teach your children about: o Communication with others o Relationships with all kinds of people o Socially acceptable behavior o Negotiation and cooperation o Feelings and emotions o Listening o Playing o Reading habits o Your values

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically discuss the extent to which capitalism has affected human Essay

Critically discuss the extent to which capitalism has affected human relationships - Essay Example Under these views capitalism has not a ‘stable’ and ‘standard’ format but tends to alternate in order to be adapted to the current political, social and financial conditions of a specific society. Capitalism can have many aspects; however it has certain characteristics and principles that remain the same throughout the years. More specifically, as Mcintyre (1992, 42) found ‘for capitalism to function smoothly, peoples "needs" must conform to the requirements of the production system; at the same time, Capitals search for ever expanding pools of surplus value requires the expansive manipulation of those needs’. One of the sectors that have suffered from capitalism is with no doubt the human relationships. In this case, capitalism has managed to transform not only the ‘structure’ but also the ‘content’ of the relevant relationships alternating their nature and changing their role. The influence of capitalism on human relationships has been intensive mostly the last years. In this context, Langford (1999, 1) stated that ‘in modern Western societies, couple relationships almost always come into being through a more or less powerful experience of emotional ‘bonding’, infused with erotic attraction; Being part of such a couple is held to be fundamental to our happiness, well-being and sense of place in the world; Reproduction, the family, and to a great extent social life itself, are seen as ideally based upon and around the loving (heterosexual) couple; Thus, while ‘falling in love’ remains something of a mystery, it is generally understood and experienced as a beneficial and foundational life event’. It has to be noticed however that the interpretation of human feelings although presenting above as ‘standard’ and ‘expected’ in many occasions they tend to differentiate in accordance with the politi cal